Quick and easy way to calculate the conversion rate of your ads and content.
How many conversions has a specific ad produced? Take this number and input in the "conversions" field of the conversion rate calculator to your right. Just be sure to calculate your visits for the same ad!
Determine the number of interactions your ad has and input it in the "visits" field. Our calculator will divide your conversions into this number in order to get your conversion rate.
Your conversion rate is expressed as a percentage and as soon as you click "solve" on our conversion rate calculator, you'll have an immediate result. Learn more about your conversion rate below!
If your conversion rate is high, your copy is engaging, your CTAs stand out, and you're targeting the right audience! Keep up the good work!
If your conversion rate is low, check the clarity of your messaging on your landing pages, ads, and website copy. You'll also want to ensure that your CTAs are engaging, and that you're targeting the right users. You might also consider performing A/B tests on ads and landing pages.
If your conversion rate is high, your copy is engaging, your CTAs stand out, and you're targeting the right audience! Keep up the good work!
If your conversion rate is low, check the clarity of your messaging on your landing pages, ads, and website copy. You'll also want to ensure that your CTAs are engaging, and that you're targeting the right users. You might also consider performing A/B tests on ads and landing pages.