Cost Per Click (CPC) Calculator - Myanmar's Leading Marketing Consulting Firm

Cost-Per-Click Calculator

The Best Place to Get Your Estimated CPC

Quick and easy way to calculate the CPC of your ads.

Determine the total cost of your clicks

Calculate how much you spent on all ad clicks on the ad that you're calculating for. That means if your ad got two clicks and one of your ad clicks was $0.25 and the other was $0.20, you'd input $0.45 as your total cost in our CPC calculator.

Determine how many clicks your ad received

How many clicks did your ad receive? If we use the example above, you'd input 2 in the "clicks" field of our CPC calculator.

Use your new-found CPC metric to improve your campaigns!

When you click "solve" on our CPC calculator, you'll get an immediate cost-per-click calculation that can help improve your campaigns moving forward!

If your result is “good”

If your CPC is low, keep up the good work! You might try pushing the envelope with more competitive keywords in your next campaign!

If your result is “bad”

If your CPC is high, consider targeting more long-tail keywords and lowering your bids.

CPC Calculator

If your result is “good”

If your CPC is low, keep up the good work! You might try pushing the envelope with more competitive keywords in your next campaign!

If your result is “bad”

If your CPC is high, consider targeting more long-tail keywords and lowering your bids.